Au coeur du Parc national des Cévennes, à mi-distance de Saint Germain de Calberte et du Col de Jalcreste, une petite route de 3,3 kilomètres, vous conduit jusqu'à Vernet dans un vallon jadis planté de vernes (aulnes). Vous y découvrez une vie différente où tout raconte les efforts du petit peuple des Cévennes s'accrochant à la montagne, en résistant aux contraintes et s'efforçant de penser librement...
La montagne y est belle, colorée, simple et calme, le climat méditerranéen d'altitude (620 mètres).
Mathieu et Diane vous accueillent dans ce hameau aux murs de pierres, aux toits de lauzes. Ils prennent le temps de parler de leur vie,d’échanger…

Dans cette région historique, théâtre de la guerre des Camisards, ils ont pris la suite des anciennes familles cévenoles qui autrefois peuplaient ce magnifique hameau.
Ils ont rebâti les maisons et repris l'exploitation agricole : vous découvrirez une architecture préservée et authentique, la bergerie et ses brebis qui transhument l'été sur le Mont-Lozère, les ânes et chevaux que vous pourrez nourrir...
Au fil des repas, sous la treille ou dans la grande salle, vous dégusterez les spécialités régionales, la charcuterie, les légumes du potager frais cueillis, l'agneau de la montagne, le pelardon, les framboises et les fruits qui ont du goût ! Au petit déjeuner,profitez des yaourts maison, du pain au levain, des confitures colorées…

Si vous aimez la nature, des circuits de randonnées dont la Flandonenque (P.R) vous feront découvrir la vallée et les plus curieux pourront, en s’armant de patience, observer cerfs, chevreuils, sangliers et rapaces, toute une faune adaptée à la rudesse du pays. C'est aussi une étape proche du chemin de Stevenson (GR 70), qui vous accueille. Vous serez surpris du calme de cette vallée perdue.
A partir de Vernet, 4 sentiers de randonnée sont accessibles, découvrez la vie des vallées par de vieux chemins ou allez vers les grands sites cévenols en une heure de voiture...
L'été, profitez des rivières aux eaux transparentes. Ces 'Gardons' - rivières formant le Gard - regorgent de truites, écrevisses et castors.
Vous passerez un ou plusieurs jours entre chênes verts et châtaigniers dans ces montagnes que chaque saison colore d’une palette nouvelle, et dont la beauté fait toujours chavirer de bonheur.

Avec comme seul bruit de fond les cloches de nos brebis, le chant des oiseaux …

Ouvert d'avril à novembre

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Sabine Lamy


Editeur du site

Sabine LAMY , Gérard LAMY
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00 33 (0)466459194


Agence La Bastide
48370 St Germain de Calberte
tél. : (33) 06 67 27 93 40


140 quai Sartel
Tél. : 0899 701 761

You will be welcomed in a central zone of Cevennes National Park hamlet. 
The hamlet got the rural architectural preservation price 2005 (la sauvegarde du patrimoine rural)
maisons paysannes de France" thanks to its amazing restoration.

  • esprit pnc Esprit Parc National des Cévennes

  • gitefrancesmall Gîtes de France 3 épis  

  • Recommended by Guide du Routard, the guides Gallimard and Hachette.

  • bienvenue a la ferme Bienvenue à la ferme  "Welcome at the farm" is a national network of farmers practising activities as sale of their produce straight from their farm an welcome visitors on their estate. This includes 4 themes : accomodation, gastronomy, leisure around/discovery of the region and services.More than 400 farmers in the Languedoc-Roussillon belong to this network, helped by the ministry of agriculture.

Prices per night (bed & breakfast)

1 person 60 €
2 people 68 €
3 people 86 €
4 people 106 €
Additional person 20 €
Meal on réservation 19 €
1/2 board per person in double room 53 €
Tourist tax 0,90 €/night

Accepted means of payment

  • French bank checks
  • Gîtes de France gift checks
  • French holiday checks (ANCV)
  • Cash
  • Banktransfers


Commune de Saint Germain de Calberte
lies in the South of the department "Lozère",
in the central part of the Cevennes National Park.
Altitude : 650 meters Mediterranean climate

Vernet is10 kilometers away from Saint Germain de Calberte, little village were you can find most shops and services : 2 grocer, bucher, baker, pub, newspapers, library post-office and doctor.

Vernet on the map :
Carte Michelin N° 330 Cantal, Lozère, pli K9
of IGN Top 25 2740 ET pli N°7

How to get there?

Coming from the North (Florac N 106 ) take to the right at Col the Jalcreste on the the D 984
In between Saint Andre de Lancise and Viala hamlet, turn to the right at the sign VERNET on the small road that will lead you to Vernet (3,3 km)

Map Michelin N° 80 pli N° 7
Carte IGN Top 25 2740 ET pli N°7

By train :
Nîmes, Alès or La Grand Combe la Pise

By train + car rent : car rental available either at the railway station in Nîmes,
or Clermont Ferrand and follow the free motorway A75 to the south.

In the heart of Cevennes National Park, halfway between Saint Germain de Calberte and Col de Jalcreste, a little road of 3,3 kms. leads you to Vernet, a small hamlet named after alders (vernes) which still grow in the neighbourhood ever since…
You will discover a different life, where everything tells the story of the Cevennes People and their efforts to leave in those mountains, resisting to the constraints and struggling to think freely.
The mountain is beautiful, colorful, simple and quiet, and the altitude Mediterranean climate is very nice (620 meters high).
Sabine and Gerard welcome you in this massive natural stone walls and fascinating roofs of slate stone hamlet. They take time to discuss with their guest, tell them about their life in Cevennes, and exchange views.
In this amazing region, rich of history, theatre of the Camisards during the religious wars, they took the continuation of the former Cevennes families which formerly populated this valley, rebuilt the houses and took over the farm: you will discover a preserved and authentic architecture, the sheepfold and its sheep going for summer transhumances on the Mont-Lozere, donkeys and horses you can feed…
You will have your meals under the vine arbour or the large dining room and you will taste the local and regional specialties, the Cevennes meats, mountain lamb, "pelardon" as is called the local goatcheese, vegetables grown in Vernet own kitchengarden, raspberries and various other tasty fruits. At breakfast you will enjoy home-made yogurts, sourdough bread and colorful confitures(jams) on the terrace.

If you like nature, hiking roads like Flandonenque path (P.R) will make you discover the most curious valley and if you are patient patient you will be able to observe stags, roe-deers, wild boars and raptors, a whole fauna adapted to the roughness of the country. It is also a stop over close to the way of Stevenson (G.R 70), that can accommodate you. You will be surprised by the quietness of this lost valley.
From Vernet you can access four hiking roads to discover the valley or go sightseeing in the Cevennes (around one hour drive). In summer, enjoy see-trough water rivers, those “gardons”, rivers forming Gard - abound in trouts, crayfish and beavers… and Gerard, who is a hydrobiologist and specialist in animal behavior will be happy to speak to you about it!

You will spend one or several days under oak trees and chestnut trees in those mountains that change colors every season, and which beauty always make you heart happy… enoying bird singings and sheep bells as only background noise.

The cottage of Vernet « la mule » has a capacity of 3 persons. Lying in the heart of the Cevennes National Park, you can enjoy a quiet and beautiful hamlet.

This slatestone built house has a schist covered roof and is restaurated with essentially natural materials : wood, hemp and lime, stone ground


  • large room with kitchen-corner : 26 m2
  • 1 bedroom with double bed: 14 m2 (on a mezzanine above the main room)
  • Bedrrom with 1 single bed: 12 m2
  • Bathroom with a sink, shower and toilet
  • Terrace of 33 m2 with garden furniture
  • Equipment: washing machine, central heating (heating is included in the rent)
  • Barbecue

Our tariffs

Our weekly rentprices from 300 € to 450 €, depend on the period in season.

Check availabilty :  gite cevennes

Our tariffs include : Linen; bedlinen and towelsets are supplied.

Level of comfort : The equipment of the house is based on the 2 épis (corn-level) of the Gîtes de France.

Pets are welcome, but please inform us of their arrival (there are scheep around Vernet) !

Gerard is hydrobiologist and agronomist, and is now working on the farm with Sabine, agricultural engineer and horse-lover. They are restoring this hamlet where there are only 5 inhabitants during the year: Gerard, Sabine, their 2 daughters and Bernadette, the only neighbor.


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A In the neighborhood


A few kilometers away, in Saint Germain de Calberte village: horse riding, tennis, swimming pool, rivers, donkeys rides, biking etc. 

Two proposals for horseriding nearby :

Activities in the National Park 

Not far from Vernet:

  • The Mont Lozere, Aigoual, Causse and Gorges du tarn
  • Ecomuseum of Cevennes
  • Preswalski horses and discovery of vultures
  • Canoe and kayaking
  • National Park festival and local festivities
  • And many other activities!


On the premises, you will have access to a particularly rich library on the history of the Cevennes, its inhabitants and their life, and the discovery of nature.
Gerard and Sabine will help you prepare your routes of ballade, and you can borrow detailed maps for your excursions.



Vernet is this fragile balance between the mountain and the farmer. It is a secular maintenance of the land and the stone walls, in which stones are lining like books on a bookshelf. Vernet is a complementarity between individual work and mutual aid that gives life all its meaning… we help eachother as neighbors and we are members of 2 Agricultural cooperatives, using engins and fruit transforming locals (CUMA)